10 Ways to use Microsoft Word

10 Tips for the Best Microsoft Word Experience

Even in 2024, Microsoft Word 2021 continues to pack a punch as a powerful word processor that is versatile in every situation.

Yet many of us only scratch the surface of the extensive capabilities that this Office 2021 software has to offer.

If you’re looking for that Word product key, but finding it challenging to figure out how to export your document or format a header, this article is for you.

Let’s go through 10 tips for the best Microsoft Word Experience, coming from someone who’s used MS Office 2021 Pro Plus for a long time.

1. Export to PDF

Often, trying to figure out how to send your Word document as a PDF attachment can be a hassle. But trying to read a DOCX attachment is undoubtedly much more annoying.

To avoid cases where the formatting gets messed up, exporting as a PDF is a simple tip that can save you plenty of headaches. By having Outlook installed, as a part of Office Professional Plus 2021, you can send the PDF directly.

Click File > Share > Email as PDF to send your file directly from Word.

2. Built-In Thesaurus

If you’re stuck trying to find that perfect synonym, many people aren’t aware that Microsoft Word’s built-in Thesaurus is a fantastic tool to elevate your writing.

Now, instead of using the same word over and over again, just right-click any word, hover over Synonyms, or select Thesaurus for a full list of suggestions.

These editing and proofreading tools exist right there in the sidebar. You can even go a step further, and use Word’s Editor for even more advanced grammar and style suggestions.

3. Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are one of the simplest yet most effective ways to save time in Microsoft Word. Instead of hunting through menus for commands, you can perform common tasks instantly with just a few key combinations.

Some of the more common ones are:

Ctrl + Z / Ctrl + Y: Undo and redo, so you can correct mistakes or backtrack.

Ctrl + B / Ctrl + I / Ctrl + U: Bold, italicize, or underline text.

But how about these?

Ctrl + Shift + C / Ctrl + Shift + V: Copy and paste formatting, so you don’t have to manually tweak fonts or sizes.

Ctrl + Home / Ctrl + End: Jump to the beginning or end of your document.

4. Document Inspector

Microsoft Word’s Document Inspector is a valuable tool that helps you quickly identify and remove any hidden content.

Go to File > Info > Check for Issues > Inspect Document.

A dialog box will appear with a list of potential items to inspect, such as comments, hidden text, personal metadata, or document properties.

Click Inspect to see what Word finds.

You can choose to remove any unwanted elements, such as personal info or comments, with a single click.

5. Compare Documents

When working on a document over time, keeping track of edits can be challenging. It gets much more confusing if multiple people are involved. This is where you can use Word 2021 if you have 2 versions of the same document.

Go to Review > Compare > Compare Documents

Select the original document and the revised version.

Click OK, and Word will generate a new document showing all the differences.

The changes are clearly marked in a color-coded, side-by-side view. You can accept or reject the changes, and even merge the edits into a single final version. It’s as easy as that.

6. Citations and Bibliography

If you’re a student in university or high school, you’ll know how much work goes into citations. However, MS Office 2021 Pro Plus makes it easy with Word. You can use this tool to manage your sources and generate citations and bibliographies, whether it’s APA, MLA, or Chicago. No more citations by hand!

To use it:

Go to References > Citations & Bibliography > Insert Citation.

Choose or add a source.

For students who often need to handle references, Office Professional Plus 2021 makes this process quick and easy.

Microsoft word-cartoon diagram

7. Footnotes/Endnotes

Footnotes and endnotes let you add extra information, cite sources, or explain a point without overcrowding the main text. Microsoft Word makes it easy to customize them.

Numbering: Change the format (Roman numerals, letters, etc.) by clicking the Footnote/Endnote Dialog Box Launcher.

Positioning: Choose continuous or restart each section numbering to organize long documents.

Formatting: Format footnotes like regular text. You can adjust fonts, sizes, and even add links.


8. Autocorrect

While most of us see autocorrect as a spelling tool, Word does it a little differently. It can save you time by turning shortcuts into longer phrases or text.

Go to File > Options > Proofing.

Click on AutoCorrect Options.

In the dialog box, type your shortcut (like “addr”) in the Replace field. Then, enter the full text (like your address) in the With field.

Now, you just have to type “addr” for your address. Isn’t that neat?

9. Custom Templates

There are some documents that we just keep coming back to, like similar-looking reports or letters. Why not create a Word template?

Create a document with your desired layout and content.

Go to File > Save As and choose Word Template (.dotx).

The template will be saved in the default location, and you can reuse it anytime.

10. Autosave

We’ll end off on a way to ensure peace of mind. Forgetting to save a Word document is one of the most stressful things in the world. However, with Autosave enabled, Word automatically saves your document to OneDrive or SharePoint as you work, so you never have to worry again.

Save your document to OneDrive or SharePoint.

Toggle the AutoSave switch at the top left of the screen.

Now your progress is always backed up and up-to-date!


And those are the 10 tips for the best Microsoft Word experience.

For those who need a cheap Office 2021 product or a new office activation key, don’t forget to explore your options for getting the best deal here at Onebyonesoft. Give these tools a try and watch your Word skills take your documents to the next level. Happy writing!


Onebyonesoft Guest Writer



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