How to Embed Video in PowerPoint to Make Engaging Presentations

How to embed a video in PowerPoint for an Engaging Presentation

Want to know how to embed a video in PowerPoint? Creating a good PowerPoint presentation is quite a challenge.

You need to decide what you want to convey and what message you want to get across to your target group. Then choose how to integrate the two so as to present a good presentation to the audience.

Thus, embedding the video is among the ways to add flair in the content which Dr. Frans de Waal used by providing the TED Talk about inequity aversion. To support his arguments, he used videos from animal experiments; transformed a very, very monotonous subject into entertainment, which, today, has over 5 million views.

In this tutorial, you are going to find out how to insert a video into PowerPoint 2019 and PowerPoint 2021, so that you can make outstanding presentations that will catch your audience’s attention and keep it in mind for a long time.

How to embed a video in PowerPoint from your PC/Mac

First of all, it is necessary to have the video and PowerPoint on your PC that you can easily purchase from any trusted source. The next step is to figure out how to make it play in the background while you are giving your PowerPoint presentation. You can do it by conventional means whenever you have a video from another website or program; this feels very awkward and at times you can be confronted with technical difficulties.

Fortunately, there are other much simpler and less demanding approaches to the inclusion of videos in PowerPoint. You can also provide an external link to your video file or you can embed that file in the current presentation.

How to embed a video in PowerPoint in Windows

Step 1: Select the PowerPoint slide

Launch Microsoft PowerPoint on a Windows computer and open a blank or existing PowerPoint file. Then, go to the slide you want to embed a video and select the Insert tab in the toolbar.Click-Insert-in-the-PowerPoint-menu-bar

Step 2: Click Video > This Device

Select the Video option. Here, you can upload a video from your computer or from a website such as a website or YouTube and other supported services.

From the drop-down list, look for Click This Device to embed a video from a folder on your computer.Click-the-Video-Insertion-option

PowerPoint especially supports MP4 files that contain H.264 video codec and AAC for the audio inputs. Therefore, you can upload in file formats like M4V, MOV, ASF, AVI, MPG, MPEG, or WMV into the system.

If you do not wish to view the video at full size, you can always make it small or any size you wish.

For precise height-to-width proportions:

  • In the Size group, choose either select Format (PowerPoint 2013 or newer) or select Options (PowerPoint 2010).
  • Please, go to keyboard shortcuts, click the Dialog Box Launcher Icon image
  • In the size, copy and select the Lock aspect ratio checkbox under the scale.
  • Input your desired size in the size section and, optionally, tilt or input the percentage of the size you want in the scale height, and scale width sections
  • Next, click on Video Format to get the options for changing borders and effects, or watch more options on the right-click. By using the Designer tool you can also select professional slides templates as slideshows.


Next, select the Playback tab for cropping your Video, title, and even pick out the Playback features such as In Click Sequence, Automatically, or When Clicked On.

Note: Now in the PowerPoint for Microsoft Office 365 or PowerPoint 2016 version 1709 or later there is option In Click Sequence. In this way, your video plays as other actions that you have established on the slide in terms of animations or transitions.

While inserting a video, go to Insert > Video > Online Videos.


Note: PowerPoint supports YouTube, SlideShare, Vimeo, Stream, and Flip video providers.

Step 3: Click Insert

If you decide to embed an online video, take the URL of the video you would like to show to your audience, then insert it into the corresponding box. In the Insert video box, there will be a preview of the video you are about to upload.


Click the Insert button to embed the video in your presentation.


When you click on the icon, PowerPoint will download and place the video on the slide you placed your cursor. You can adjust the size of the thumbnail by dragging the blue arrows that move around the edges of the thumbnail.

Once the video thumbnail has been added, there are many options arranged under the Video Format tab on the right-hand side of the window, these include changing the shape of the video, adding a border to the video, and applying different effects to the video that you want to share.

You will invite captions or select how this video will roll (Instantly or on click).


Note: You do not have a choice on when an online video begins. However, if you’re embedding a YouTube video, you can copy the video URL at the current time to link from a specific start time.

Go to the Slide Show tab for the visual view of the video with those changes you have been applying. Then click the Save button to save the presentation in your computer or use the Share button to copy or move to the cloud.

How to embed a video in PowerPoint on a Mac

To embed a video in PowerPoint for Mac, you’ll need to save the video file in the same folder as your presentation.

Step 1: Select the PowerPoint slide

Launch PowerPoint and open a blank or existing presentation, then select the slide you’d like to add a video to.

Select Insert.


Step 2: Click Video > From File

Click Video to access video embed options from the drop-down menu:

  1. Video browser
  2. Video from file
  3. Stock videos
  4. Online film

Select Video from File to insert a video file from your Mac.


Step 3: Click Insert

If you use PowerPoint, in the Choose a Video dialog box, do the following steps: highlight the desired video file, then click on the insert button to insert the desired video on the slide.


If you wish to embed the link of the video on the slide, look for the Show Options location at the bottom left corner of the dialog box.


Then, select the Link to file box, and click Insert.


Select the Video Format tab to add effects and choose whether your video will play automatically or when clicked.


Tip: If you’re using PowerPoint 2016 or higher, you can play back your videos with as many tracks as you want. These versions also include closed captions and subtitles included in video stream Services.

Select the Playback tab to do the following:

  • Trim your video
  • Note that fade in at the beginning of the scene and fade out at the end of the scene.
  • Use on stage full screen or switch off during the programme
  • Insert captions
  • Choose start time options (in clicks sequence, automatically or when clicked)
  • Make the video run and automatically play itself in the background during the presentation.
  • Rewind your video

How to embed a video in PowerPoint from YouTube

Embedding a YouTube video to a PowerPoint presentation is simple. You can use the video URL or integrated search function to embed a video you uploaded to YouTube or someone else’s video (with permission).

To add a video to your PowerPoint presentation, you’ll copy the video embed code and paste it into the slide you want. The code will load the video at the source and play it on the platform you’re using.

You won’t need to download and upload the video from YouTube and the video will load and play faster regardless of the file size. Plus, you can share video content that’s covered under copyright, so you’re not in danger of crossing any legal lines.

Follow these steps to embed a video in PowerPoint from YouTube on a Windows PC or Mac.

How to embed a video in PowerPoint from YouTube on Windows

Step 1: Click “Insert video”

Open a PowerPoint presentation and select the slide you want to embed your video.

Click Insert > Video.

Step 2: Choose “Online video”

Select the Online Videos option.Select-the-Online-Videos-option

Step 3: Insert the URL from YouTube

You can just right-click the video and select Copy Video Link or Embed Code, or click Share to get the code. Then simply cut and paste the URL or the embed code in the link field. You will get a preview of your video in the Insert video dialog box.

To insert the video into your presentation, please click Insert.


Reduce the size of the video thumbnail and then adjust it from the formatting option of the video.

Click Playback to play the video automatically, when it’s clicked or add captions. Then, preview the video with all the additions and subtractions you did and then either save the presentation or share it.

Note: YouTube also accepts the same video file formats as PowerPoint so when you convert your files, you will not have a problem with the videos playing. But YouTube recognises some of the file formats that are not recognised by PowerPoint such as FLV, 3GPP, WebM, DNxHR, ProRes, HEVC (h265), and CineForm. If your video is not performed on the site, it may be due to the fact that the kind of file format of the video is not compatible with the site.

How to embed a video in PowerPoint from YouTube on a Mac

Step 1: Click “Insert video”

Open a PowerPoint presentation and select the slide you want to embed your video.

Click Insert > Video.

Step 2: Choose “Online Film”

Select Online Film.


A URL pop-up will appear prompting you to enter the link to the YouTube video.


Step 3: Insert the URL from YouTube

Open YouTube and directly get the link or code of the video that you wish to add to your presentation. Optionally, you can right click it and choose copy video URL at the current tab or copy embed code or click on share and then copy the video link or embed code.

In PowerPoint presentation, click on the URL and paste the link or the code of the video or click Insert.


Resize your video and polish your slides before saving the presentation to your computer.



  1. How do you embed a video in PowerPoint Teams?

Open your PowerPoint file, go to the slide where you want the video, click Insert > Video > Online Video, and paste the video link (e.g., YouTube). Alternatively, select This Device to upload a file. Share via Teams by attaching the PowerPoint file or presenting directly.

  1. How do you embed a video into slides?

Navigate to the desired slide, click Insert > Video, and choose either Online Video or This Device. Insert the video link for online sources or upload a file from your computer. Position and resize the video as needed, then save the presentation.

  1. How do I embed a video?

To embed a video, go to the target platform (PowerPoint, Slides, etc.), locate the embed option, and paste the link or upload a file. For online videos, use a shareable embed link. Ensure the file is compatible and test playback before finalizing.

  1. How to embed a video in PowerPoint without ads?

Download the video file to your device using a reliable, legal source. In PowerPoint, click Insert > Video > This Device to upload it directly. This avoids ads and ensures smooth playback without external interruptions. Avoid inserting YouTube links if ads are a concern.

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